Tiina Kala

Postdoctoral researcher

E-mail: tiina.kala@tallinnlv.ee


Dr. Tiina Kala has been trained in history and obtained her PhD at Tartu University with the dissertation on late medieval school texts in grammar and logic (published in 2001). Since 1991 she has been working at the Tallinn City Archives as researcher. Since 2008, she also holds a part-time position at the Institute of History of Tallinn University. In 2005, she was one of the founding members of the Centre for Medieval Studies in Tallinn. Her primary interests are: medieval church history in the Baltic Sea region, medieval legal history in Lübeck Law towns, and palaeography of late medieval documents in Northern Europe.



During the research project Tiina will mainly concentrate on liturgy and commemoration practices in late medieval Tallinn using the sources of the magistracy archives of medieval Tallinn (Reval), in the first place church accounts and magistracy registry books containing data on chantries and pious donations. This research aims at demonstrating which saints were more popular within the town community in general and within selected outstanding individuals in particular. The next step of in this research will concentrate on the question of how particular veneration practices reflected individual piety and affected the social and economic life of the town community.



include 5 monographs and more than 50 articles. The ten most relevant to this project comprise the following:

‘Conversion: The Baltic Lands‘, in: The Crusades. An Encyclopedia, vol. I, ed. Alan V. Murray. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, California – Denver, Colorado – Oxford, England, 2006, 291–293.

‘Paganism: The Baltic Lands‘, in: The Crusades. An Encyclopedia, vol. III, ed. Alan V. Murray. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, California – Denver, Colorado – Oxford, England, 2006, 929–931.

‘Lühike kristlik korraldus neitsite kloostrile. Eyne Christlicke kortte Ordinantie ouer dat Junckfrawenn kloster‘, in Vana Tallinn, XVIII (XXII), Tallinn, 2007, 13–30.

Mittelalterliche Handschriften in den Sammlungen des Stadtarchivs Tallinn und des Estnischen Historischen Museums. Katalog. Tallinn: Tallinna Linnaarhiiv, 2007.

‘Kirikuelu ümberkorraldamine Tallinnas 1520. aastatel ning selle majanduslikud ja sotsiaalsed tagamaad‘, Tuna, 3/2007, 10–26.

‘Põhja-Eesti kiriku arengujooni 13.–14. sajandil: millisesse vaimulikku keskkonda tekkis Pirita klooster?‘, Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on Art and Architecture, 4 [16], 2007, 41–59.

(With Richard Newhauser and Meelis Friedenthal) ‘The Work of an English Scribe in a Manuscript in Estonia‘, Scriptorium, tome LXII, 2008, 1, 139–148.

‘Rural Society and Religious Innovation: Acceptance and Rejection of Catholicism among the Native Inhabitants of Medieval Livonia‘, in The Clash of Cultures on the Medieval Baltic Frontier, ed. by Alan V. Murray. Ashgate 2009, 169–190.

‘Ergänzungen zu den an der Nikolaikirche in Reval/Tallinn in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. und dem ersten Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts arbeitenden Meistern und Arbeitern‘, Baltic Journal of Art History, Spring 2010, 33–62.

‘Keskaegse Tallinna väikekorporatsioonid ja nende usuelu normatiivsed vormid‘, Tuna, 2/2010, 6–24.


Detailed CV and a full list of publications can be found in Estonian Research Portal: https://www.etis.ee/index.aspx?lang=en → People → K → Tiina Kala