Saints Colloquia Series: Public lecture by Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu

October 14, 2014 - 17:30 - 19:10
Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
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Event audience: 
Open to the Public
"Hungarian Angevin Legendary", Metropolitan Museum of Art,

The Department of Medieval Studies of CEU and OTKA Saints Project cordially invite you to the public lecture of the Saints Colloquia Series by



(Groupe d’Anthropologie Historique de l’Occident Médiéval, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris)

The Life of the Poverello for the Sermons: the testimonies of the collections of exempla


Francis of Assisi is one of the major saints of the Middle Ages. Many kinds of texts give testimonies about his life and miracles. We are going to focus on two specific and related set of sources: collections of exempla and sermons. If we compare the prologues of the collections of exempla of two Mendicant orders, the Dominican ones are more loquacious about their founder, St. Dominic; but if we compare the number of exempla dedicated to their respective founders, the Franciscan ones give much more detail about the Poverello’s gesta, verba and miracula. Our paper will try to understand how and why each type of exempla collection created a specific representation of St Francis. Then, we are going to compare this model of holiness with the one given by the Legenda aurea and contemporary sermons, especially those of Jacobus de Voragine (Sermones de sanctis).

Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu is ‘Directrice de recherches’ at GAHOM EHESS, affiliated to the CNRS. She has studied with Jacques Le Goff, the principal subjects of her research are exempla collections and sermons. She has published, among others, La Scala cœli de Jean Gobi (1991), (together with Jacques Berlioz) Les exempla médiévaux. Introduction à la recherche suivie des tables critiques de l’Index exemplorum de F. C. Tubach (1992), Education, prédication et cultures au XIVe siècle. Essais sur Jean Gobi le Jeune († 1350) (1997), Formes dialoguées dans la littérature exemplaire du Moyen Age (2012), (with Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès) Prédication et performance du XIIe au XVIe siècle (2014).