Hagiotheca, Croatian Hagiography Society

Croatian Hagiography Society “Hagiotheca” has been founded in year 2004 by the young researchers of the cult of saints, at the time PhD candidates of Gábor Klaniczay at Medieval Studies Department, Central European University in Budapest, with the goal of reviving the research topic of sanctity in Croatian scholarship as well as promoting the new approaches to the topic.
Since then, “Hagiotheca” has organised three conferences; the first, which layed the foundations of the modern hagiography in Croatia, was entitled “Hagiology: Sources, Methods, Historiography” and was held in Dubrovnik in 2005. The second meeting took place in Split in 2008 under the title “Identity and Alterity in Hagiography in the Making and Practice of Cults”, whereas the third, held in Poreč in 2010, and coorganised by the Hagiography Society, focused on the topic “Saintly Bishops and Bishops’ Saints”.

The proceedings of the first and second meetings have been published (see the bibliographical references), and the third is due in 2012.

Hagiologija: Kultovi u kontekstu (Hagiology: The Cults in Context). Ed. Ana Marinković and Trpimir Vedriš. Zagreb: Leykam International, 2008.

Identity and Alterity in the Making and Practice of Cults. Ed. Ana Marinković and Trpimir Vedriš. Zagreb: Hagiotheca, 2010.